Preço: € 350,00 |
Autores: Hodges, G. Lloyd
Editor: James Fraser |
Local: London |
Ano: 1833 |
Língua: Inglesa |
Narrative of the Expedition to Portugal in 1832 1ª edição, Under The Orders of His Majesty Dom Pedro Duke Of Braganza
Obra rara sobre as lutas liberais em Portugal escrita por um coronel inglês.
Biografia do Autor:
George Lloyd Hodges, born 1792, died 1862, was a British soldier and diplomat. In 1832 he commanded the brigade of British volunteers who enlisted to fight to restore the rightful Queen of Portugal, Maria da Glória, to her throne against the forces of the usurper, Dom Miguel. With the rest of the forces commanded by Maria's father Dom Pedro, the ex-Emperor of Brazil, they sailed from Terceira in the Azores, captured Oporto and endured a siege there of nearly a year. Hodges distinguished himself by his leadership, especially during the assault on the city by Miguel's army on 29 September 1832. He afterwards published a memoir, Narrative of the Expedition to Portugal in 1832, under the orders of His Imperial Majesty Dom Pedro, Duke of Braganza (London, 1833).
Encadernação meia-francesa. Antigo, com miolo em bastante bom estado, embora com marca de assinatura de ex-proprietário na folha de rosto. Falta-lhe um mapa. 2 Vols. 333+384pp. |
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Italo Calvino |
Diga-nos um livro nunca traduzido em Portugal que gostaria de ver editado? |